South Bruce All Candidates Meeting Overview

Date: Wednesday October 5th, 2022

Time: 6:30pm to 9:30 pm

Place: Formosa Community Centre, 13 Community Drive

Video: Video recorded and posted to YouTube, post event, with closed captioning



  • Candidate information tables open 6:30 pm

  • Introduction of council candidates 7:00 pm

  • Candidate debate (mayoral candidates only) 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm

  • Close of event 9:30

For information contact: Anja Vandervlies [email protected] 230.226.1254


  • For MAYOR - Robert Buckle, Mark Goetz, Rita Groen

  • For COUNCILLOR, TEESWATER CULROSS, - Mike McDonagh, Mark Ireland, Michelle Stein, Gordon Ripley

  • For COUNCILLOR, MILDMAY CARRICK– Jeff Goetz, Audrey Bross

  • For COUNCILLOR AT LARGE - Nigel VanDyk, Mike Niesen, Sandy Bunker, Doug Kreller

  • All Council candidates will be provided with a table for their campaign materials and a chair

  • School Board candidates are also welcome, but space restrictions do not allow sufficient space to provide a table


  1. To provide all South Bruce voters with opportunity to meet with the candidates running for a place on municipal council.

  2. To provide all candidates with an equal opportunity to meet voters, hear their concerns, and answer their questions.

  3. For candidates to be able to share and distribute any campaign material they wish.

  4. To host a moderated debate between the candidates for mayor.


  • Tony McQuail, Lucknow, ON

  • Tony McQuail and his wife, Fran are semi-retired farmers helping their daughter Katrina on the farm near St. Helens. McQuail served as a Huron County School Board Trustee for three terms and also served as the executive assistant to the Ontario Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural affairs. McQuail has a long-standing interest in democracy and is a member of Fair Vote Canada.


  1. Registration at the door, name, address, email (optional)

  2. Voters will be provided a card on which to write ONE question they would like answered by the mayoral candidates during the debate.

  3. The questions will be provided to the moderator who has sole authority have the question asked to the mayoral candidates


  • All candidates will be provided with a table and tabletop sign. The sign will provide attendees with the name of the candidate and the position they are running for. Candidates are responsible for providing campaign material and signage.


  • Each candidate for council will be given 3 minutes on stage to introduce themselves

  • They will be invited to the stage by the moderator


  • Moderator will welcome audiences, introduce candidates, and explain the format and rules of the debate

  • ROUND 1: Each candidate has a 3-minute opening statement

  • ROUND 2: Moderator will take one question from attendees, from pre-registered community organizations

    • Protect Our Waterways

    • Willing to Listen

    • South Bruce Community and Business Association

    • Mildmay Chamber of Commerce

    • The question will be directed to one candidate, who will then have 2 minutes to answer the question. The other two candidates will have two minutes each to respond. Candidates will not be able to interrupt each other’s statements

  • ROUND 3: Moderator will take questions from the audience, taken from the submitted question cards. The questions may be directed to a candidate or all three. Candidates are limited to a 1-minute answers. Each candidate may response to the other candidates answer

  • ROUND 4: Each candidate will be one question of the other two candidates. Responses limited to 1 minute

  • ROUND 5: Closing remarks by each mayoral candidate (2 minutes)

  • CLOSE of event

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